Oaks Civic
Association |
Oaks Civic Association
Boulevard Oaks is one of Houston's premier inner city neighborhoods, noted for its beauty and grace. Located near Rice University, approximately four miles southwest of Downtown, its boundaries are the Southwest Freeway to the north, Morningside to the west, Bissonnet to the south, and Graustark/Parkway to the east (plus the 5300 blocks of Cherokee and Mandell, the 1700 blocks of Albans, Wroxton, Bolsover and Rice Blvd., and properties facing Ashby). There are more than 1,200 residences, together with some 30 small businesses along Bissonnet and Sunset. See Map. A wide variety of housing is found in the neighborhood ranging from old mansions to bungalows, and a small section of ranch-style homes built after World War II, though many have been recently replaced by larger two-story homes. The advantages of Boulevard Oaks can be summed up under three headings: location, beauty, and neighborhood culture. August - September 2024 Newsletter
US59 Bridge Entrance Beautification We invite you to make a donation to the Beautification Fund as part of your annual membership payment using the button below. Suggested donation levels are $50, $100, $250 and $500, but any amount is welcome. We hope to raise the remaining $33,500 by the end of the fiscal year, to launch the project in the 3rd quarter of 2024. The bridge entrances have become an eyesore ever since the Montrose Management District was dissolved several years ago. The weeds harbor trash and provide cover for the homeless people. are unsightly. Replacing these areas with the gravel and reducing the need for costly maintenance will enhance these key entrances at a lower overall cost than other options. The Patrol Needs You Now! Bike Map for Boulevard Oaks Tired
of being stuck home and desperate to have your kids go outside and play?
Take your family for a bicycle ride! It’s a fun, safe, and healthy
way to spend time outside while observing Houston’s stay-at-home order.
Check out the
handy Boulevard Oaks bike
map and explore your neighborhood on bike! City of Houston Sidewalk Variance The city recently changed its standards for sidewalk replacement form 4 ft. wide to 5 ft wide regardless of location and type of street. This new requirement is detrimental to our street trees and alters the character of our neighborhood by creating more paved surfaces. BOCA encourages all neighbors who are contemplating a sidewalk replacement and builders building new homes to replace sidewalks with 4 ft wide sidewalks to match the rest of the neighborhood. The city has a variance procedure that is easy to follow. The application can be found here. Select “HOA Letter” as your reason for requesting the variance. Please attach our letter to your request. The BOCA letter can be found here. Trees for Houston/Boulevard Oaks Please
help keep the" Oaks" in Boulevard Oaks by making a tax-deductible donation
to the Trees for Boulevard Oaks program and help keep the neighborhood
green. Your contribution will allow us to replace trees that have been
lost recently, plant new trees in locations where redevelopment has
created new planting opportunities, and to water at-risk trees in locations
without access to irrigation. Let us know if you have a specific need
for a street tree. Donate
online through the Trees for Houston website and select "Boulevard
Oaks" at the top of the portal to ensure your donation is designated
for use within our neighborhood. Or mail a check payable to “Trees for
Houston” with a notation of “BOCA fund” in the memo line. Download
the Street Tree Campaign Forms and mail your check c/o BOCA
at P.O. Box 540331, Houston, TX 77254. Please do not mail to Trees
for Houston. Contributions
to our neighborhood street tree planting and maintenance program are
fully tax-deductible. More information about this project and
ways to protect your street trees can be found here.
Click the Donate button below to sponsor an event or to donate to a special project. Use the drop-down menu for a list of options and make a donation in any amount. You can pay with a credit card, debit card, or with a PayPal account.
(Members can sign up for limited time-sensitive neighborhood news through BOCA E-News.)